Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 4: Cognitive Development and Medications

As we have been reading so far it is astounding to me the capacity of the young mind and the impacts our environment has on the growing brain.  The  potential effects of either nurturing the brain or debilitating it depending on the environmental influences can be dramatic.

During the last couple of generations we have introduced a vast new array of medications to treat  various forms of mental disorders in children and adults.  Treating children is still controversial because there have not been enough studies or research done to really know what the long-term effects of these mind-altering chemicals on the developing brain will be.

It seems we do not always have the resources available to us to help parents explore other options prior to medicating the child with antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants, etc.  For whatever reasons, being it lack of education, lack of funds or insurance unwillingness to pay for therapies and second and third opinions be medical specialists, not every parent has access to other options before they decide to medicate their child.

I'm not against medication for children who really need it.  Children deserve to have every advantage given to them so they can reach their potential.  It would be really nice to continue to see greater awareness, parent and child education, support from pharmaceutical and insurance companies to use medications as a last resort.  As with any many diseases including mental health ones, prevention could be the best medicine.

Thank for reading,

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